2023 Sewer/Water Rate Study and Capacity Charge Study

2023 Sewer/Water Rate Study and Capacity Charge Study

The purpose of this report is three-fold:
(1) It provides a summary of the wastewater and water rate study information which the District Board of Directors will rely on for their decision whether to adopt new rates over a five year period.
(2) It documents this analysis for the purpose of complying with Proposition 218 requirements (Prop 218), commonly referred to as the “right to vote on new taxes” act.
(3) It assists the District in its effort to communicate transparently with the residents and businesses it serves.

The proposed water and wastewater rates and capacity charges were developed by reviewing and
confirming the District’s broader rate-related goals and objectives. This included key financial objectives
and ensuring that the new rates continue to reflect the District’s unique characteristics and provide for the
long-term financial stability of the District.