Board Members

The Humboldt Community Services District (HCSD) is governed by five constituent-elected community officials referred to as the Board of Directors.  Members are elected to staggering four-year terms in November of even years. They meet twice monthly on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 5 p.m.  Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, the Board meets in person and via Zoom tele/video conference.  Please click the link on the right to view the most recent Agenda and support documentation as well as instructions to join via telephone or internet.

With the sole mission of delivering quality potable water and collection of wastewater, the Board members are responsible for setting policies and structure that ensure HCSD continues to function and serve the community.  Board members are subject to a number of laws established to be certain HCSD remains transparent and accountable to the community.  Other core areas Board members are resonsible for include ensuring sound fiscal policy exists and controls are in place necessary to fund the District, guiding employee relations policy, hiring and supervising the General Manager who in turn operates the District and hires and manages District staff.

The Board of Directors is responsible for adopting water and sewer rates, rate structures, and fees for District services.  CA Proposition 218 dictates that rates and structures are developed by a third-party consulting firm every five years by analyzing all costs associated with providing the services.  One of the requirements of Prop. 218 is that rates collected by the District only cover the actual cost of providing that service for a given class of ratepayer.  One or more classes cannot subsidize another class.

At HCSD, water customers are all in one class because the fixed monthly service charges are determined by meter size; the larger the meter, the higher the fixed cost of service.  There are six classes of sewer ratepayer:  Single-family, Multi-family, Mobile Home/Trailer Parks, Commercial-Light, Commercial-Medium, and Commercial-Heavy.  The Board of Directors is responsible for accepting or modifying the third-party consultant's recommendations and then instructing staff to implement new rates.

President Heidi Benzonelli 707-498-5764
Director Gregg Gardiner 707-834-9595
Director Michael Hansen 707-498-9304
Director Joe Matteoli 707-496-4561
Director Julie Ryan 707-273-1314